Products used:
AKUART On The Wall 60
Acoustic Mapping, Customization, Gallery, Interior Design, Spatial Design
Hillerød Lilleskole is one of many Danish free schools with a team of passionate and innovative teachers. Using the best theory and tools for teaching, they educate and prepare the next generation of individuals and citizens.
In refurnishing classrooms for 7th to 9th grade, AKUART collaborated with Hillerød Lilleskole and inventory supplier Ultima K on developing state of the art classrooms. The result supports teachers and students in obtaining and using knowledge.

Adapting to Needs
Flexible inventory is key in the classrooms of the future. Different lessons require different methods of teaching. Our acoustic solution had to support the ongoing activity, so we built custom acoustic panels with integrated whiteboards.
Depending on the learning situation, the whiteboards can be revealed or hidden due to the mounted acoustic panels. Besides being visually inspiring, the panels also improve the room’s acoustics, thus making it pleasant to learn and work in the classroom.

“Intelligibility is crucial for optimal learning,” adds Steffen Spangmose, AKUART’s acoustical engineer. “Even if the classroom is equipped with a sound-absorbing ceiling, it is important to use effective wall-mounted sound absorbers.They help eliminate horizontal sound waves reflecting from close hard walls, e.g. glass, gypsum or concrete, which improves speech intelligibility – a vital component for comprehension.”